TCEQ Regulatory Guidance: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)


Potential Impacts to TCEQ Customer Service

While TCEQ is taking steps to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on both our staff and our customers, there could be impacts to customer service or normal communication to parties outside of the agency. View impacts you may encounter; we will update as they are known.

Disposal Guidance for COVID-19 Waste

TCEQ has prepared regulatory guidance regarding the transportation, treatment and disposal of COVID-19 medical waste. TCEQ also stands ready to provide technical assistance to these facilities and local jurisdictions to help them handle any associated issues that may arise. View our guidance on COVID-19 waste disposal.

Guidance for Public Water Systems

COVID-19 is a type of virus that is particularly susceptible to disinfection and standard treatment and disinfection processes are expected to be effective. See information to assist public water systems to minimize impacts due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

TCEQ Reporting Requirements for Regulated Entities

Due to COVID-19 and reduced staff in the TCEQ workplace, TCEQ may exercise administrative relief and enforcement discretion for various reporting requirements by regulated entities. See information on reporting requirements under current circumstances.

Occupational Licensing Response to COVID-19

TCEQ will offer flexibility to licensees and applicants who were in the process of renewing or receiving an occupational license and were impacted by this outbreak. See our webpage on occupational licensing and COVID-19.

Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce

See the memorandum and guidance on identification of essential critical infrastructure during COVID-19 response  issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

General COVID-19 Guidance

See the most up-to-date information for citizens, businesses, and community organizations on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.

DSHS also encourages all Texans in need of COVID-19 information, and referrals to community resources, to call the 2-1-1 Texas hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


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